Saturday, August 19, 2006


1. As to first MOTION TO DISMISS petitioner's Predicate Notice & Notice of

Petition & Petition were not signed or endorsed by "Landlord" or "Landlords

Counsel" but by a former employee.

2. As to second MOTION TO DISMISS petitioner was required to make as a

party DHPD as required in 'section 8' lease rider and law and agreement between

petitioner and DHPD and Federal Department of Housing and Urban

Development, as to which respondent will require a copy of all records/documents/

emails/memorandums for discovery.

3. Respondent requests and demands that as additional affirmative defenses

that petitioner engaged in systematic discrimination and harassment for reasons of

disability, respondent suffers from Photophobia and Myopia, and age, respondent

is over 40 years old in violation of various Federal, State and City Laws, regulations

and rules and/or Charter. Also that First CounterClaim be adjusted to $10,000,000

4. In the Interest of Justice and Due Process, respondent, acting pro se, requests

and demands in MOTION TO COMPEL sufficiently prior to trial petitioner's witness

list in order to prepare adequate defense.

WHEREFORE, respondent prays for the granting of an Order from the Court

dismissing petitioner's Motion in its entirety, and for all such and further relief that

this Court may deem just and appropriate.

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